
We are moved to have strong support from nearly every community in Unitarian Universalism.
Learn more about the diverse voices united in our call for justice and peace. 


New Project (51)

Black Lives of UU

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UU for a Just Economic Community

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Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East

New Project (53)

The Peace Education Center of the Hudson Valley

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Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries

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The Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network

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Social workers and Allies against solitary confinement

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Ann Arbor UUs for Justice in the Middle East

“The Ann Arbor, MI, chapter of UUs for Justice in the Middle East supports the Solidarity with Palestinians AIW”

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Plymouth Jazz and Justice UCC Oakland

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UU Refugee & Immigrant Services & Education

Bay Area Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)


First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans

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Shannon Jones Isadore

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Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace

New Project (54)

First Dallas Chapter of UUJME

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Social & Environmental Justice Committee of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside


Social Justice Ministry of First Unitarian Portland, Oregon

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Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)

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Diana’s List, a Middle East advocacy committee of Theodore Parker Church UU

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Church of the Larger Fellowship

Rev. Dr. Michael Tino Aisha Hauser, MSW, CRE-M Christina Rivera

First Parish in Malden Universalist


Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern

“The ethical principles of my beloved Judaism compel me to work for Palestinians’ rights. If I were its sole author, I would tweak some elements of the AIW, but I refuse to hold out for perfection when the crisis and my heart cry out for action. Solidarity with Palestine!”

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Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon

“Our faith tells us that we are tangled up in one shared destiny. Safety and thriving for Palestinians is required for the safety and thriving of us all.”


India Wood

“As a Jewish Unitarian Universalist, I know that each person has inherent worth and dignity, that each life lost is a whole universe lost. May we use our power as American tax payers to equalize power, and end the violence.”

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Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)

“As persons of faith and conscience, it is our moral imperative to stand in solidarity with all those suffering under the destructive and dehumanizing machinations of empire and settler-colonial conquest, to stand against apartheid, dispossession, and genocide in our pursuit of liberation, justice and peace for all persons in and beyond the ‘Holy Land.’

Dr. Tarek Elgawhary

“All life is sacred without exception. Peace is the only way for Israelis and Palestinians to live side-by-side.”


Yvonne DuVal

“As a Palestinian UU, my heart breaks each time I watch the news. It breaks further in witnessing the division within our faith tradition. Let us join in solidarity to side with love and proclaim that until all are free, none are free.”

Bay Area Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)

“Dr King said ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ UUs were there from Seneca Falls to Selma, from Vietnam, to dismantling apartheid South Africa, to fighting for LGBTQ equality. Collective liberation means none of us are free until all of us are free, until Palestine is free.”

Imam Tarif Shraim

“As a Palestinian and faith leader, I wholeheartedly endorse this AIW because it expresses the type of unambiguous solidarity with the Palestinian people that this dire moment demands and which we trust that courageous faith institutions like UUA takes up at this crucial time in our struggle for liberation.”


Criss Crass

“For solidarity with the Palestinian people against genocide. For solidarity with Jewish organizing in the U.S. and Israel working to end the genocide. For solidarity with the global peoples movement for justice and democracy against U.S. backed Israeli apartheid.”

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Andrew Batcher

We cannot be silent while the tragedy in Gaza continues to escalate. There is no justification for mass bombings and starvation which harm the population more than Hamas.

Ann Donahue

“I hope to live to see Palestine become a country with enough land to feed their people. I want Israel to cooperate to see this become a reality and give peace a chance!”

Mr. Gary Anderson

It is time for us to realize that ‘Progressive, except for Palestine’ is not progressive at all. To quote Nelson Mandela: ‘The temptation is to speak in muffled tones about an issue such as the rights of the people of Palestine…. Yet we would be less than human if we did so.'”

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Church of the Larger Fellowship

“The CLF recognizes the overlap of the genocide in Palestine, White Supremacy, and other genocides occurring on the African continent. We have called for Ceasefire Now and a Free Palestine. This AIW is clear on the effects of the current genocide on the Palestinian people and the need for the killing to stop immediately. Our hopes and prayers of justice and peace are for all peoples who are experiencing oppression.” Amen.

Jesse Alexander

Mr. Jesse Alexander

I’m becoming an ancestor and I must support this call for peace with justice. Genocide must end.

Cynthia Bergeron

The slaughter that continues in Gaza is contrary to everything my faith dictates. Support for life for Palestinians is not anti-Israel.

Elinor Jarrell

“It is my conviction that Palestinians have been oppressed since 1948 and that the current Israeli policy in Gaza and the West Bank is designed to force all Palestinians out of the country.

Diana’s List, a Middle East advocacy committee of Theodore Parker Church UU

It is never too late to do the right thing. We at Diana’s List urge our fellow UU’s to stand with the people of Gaza by supporting this Action of Immediate Witness. CEASEFIRE NOW!

Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long

We don’t have to agree about much to see that a beautiful, hope-filled future for the Palestinian people has been needed, and denied, for a long time. We need all of us to make it.

Ms. Molly Hauck

“I am so glad that the General Assembly has this AIW for Solidarity with Palestine to consider, which is consistent with everything that we believe in.”

Mc Kyle Barrington

I support this AIW as genocide is wrong and the UUA and every other faith organisation needs to call this out now.


Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson

“As a Unitarian Universalist my faith and values call me to speak up against injustice and to rise up in action. Now is the time. Now is the time to speak and act on behalf of our Palestinian siblings who have been suffering under apartheid conditions for decades and suffering death and devastation in a genocidal onslaught in Gaza with the consent and complicity of our government. Now is the time to follow the moral imperative to speak and rise up on behalf of liberation for all. No one is free, unless all are free. I support this AIW and ask you to join me.”

John Rott, MD MPH

“As a pediatrician, what I want to name is our shared responsibility toward all children: as adults, their safety and ability to flourish is ours to safeguard. As UUs, we must act on this call for the children of Gaza, who are experiencing deep collective trauma and enormous loss, in addition to ongoing threats to their own lives, and lack of food and safe drinking water. We must bear witness and we must act for a permanent ceasefire.”

Kirsten Hunter

“I am a religious educator who serves Unitarian Universalism because I believe it can move us toward collective liberation. I join every person committed to building a world where all life is recognized as sacred.”

Dana Fisher Ashrawi

Palestinians should be free. All people should experience safety. The solution: engaging with difficult truths and committing to action. This AIW calls Unitarian Universalists to side with love without exception.

Yann van Heurck

“The land partition the US brokered through the newly-formed UN [in 1948] was inequitable from the start giving no protection to Palestinian rights of self-determination and to their own land. It was a theft and a betrayal, followed by blanket permission to ignore the very rights and laws that are essential to protect Jews and all people. We must make amends.”

Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh

As a Unitarian Universalist faith leader, I am called to recognize and support the Palestinian people who have and continue to suffer from injustice and devastation of their people, land, and culture.

Rev. Diane Teichert

“It breaks my heart that my country continues to use my tax dollars to fund the Israeli military in killing and maiming Palestinian people, harming other living things, destroying the built environment, and leaving behind rubble, polluted water, soil, and air. It must stop!”

Bob Mason

As a Jewish Unitarian Universalist and activist with Jewish Voice for Peace and working in solidarity with Palestinian organizers, I fully support this AIW.

Dr. Amy Harth

Genocide and apartheid against Palestinians must end. Our UU principles call for recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of every person and a liberated world community. This AIW provides guidance for acting on our principles in solidarity with Palestinians to help make our world more just.

Rebecca Minnich

Our faith calls us to strive for an end to war and injustice. We cannot remain silent in the face of mass murder.

Mansfield Kaseman

“Silence in the face of current atrocities is supporting the perpetrators. Speaking truthfully in love and actively seeking justice is our moral obligation. “

Dan Cooke

[What is happening in Gaza] violates our most basic values as UU’s as well as our professed values as Americans. There must be a ceasefire now, and if not, the US must end ALL support for Israel immediately.”

Aileen Montour

All lives are precious. Stop this US enabled genocide now!

Anita Shepherd

There are no seven principles without support of the Palestinian people and their freedom.

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Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP)

“The Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP) strongly supports the Solidarity with Palestinians AIW. It is an act of love for everyone in Palestine/Israel to jolt Israelis out of the madness that’s driving their genocidal war on Gaza. Like the White majority in Apartheid South Africa, Israelis need to see the rest of the world take meaningful actions to stop their country’s catastrophic march of folly.”

Kathy Bartolomeo

“I have been following for months… the experiences of the doctors and nurses reporting after returning to the US, children shot in the back of the head most likely by sharp shooters. They have never seen the trauma and care turmoil anywhere else in all their years. I do hope we will support the Palestinians. I am grateful to all the student activists, staff at Universities and how brave they have been.”

Lisa Schilansky

Lisa Schilansky, Candidate for UU Ministry

“I am a Jewish UU and both of my faiths give me a moral imperative to act. The attack on October 7th was horrifying and many families continue to grieve the unknown status of the hostages, but since that day there has been a grossly disproportionate targeting and killing of Palestinian civilians, many of whom are women and children. Criticism of Israel is not synonymous with anti-semitism. I am proud to support this AIW and with each passing day this violence gets worse and more egregious. We must act. We must not turn away.”

Daniela Silva

As people of faith and community, we must live out our values and do what we can to support Palestinian liberation. Faith groups have been essential allies and leaders in every struggle for liberation in the last century and beyond. Our UU principles require we stand up for the Palestinian cause and support the struggle for liberation of all groups living under oppressive systems.

Meagan Preaching

Rev. Meagan Henry

In my role as a minister, every day I hear from Unitarian Universalists who feel helpless while watching our tax dollars used to unleash mass atrocities and war crimes against innocent civilians, especially the over 15,000 children who have been murdered in Palestine in the past 8 months. To ignore this issue would be a moral failing, and I believe we are better than that. As a faith community centered on love and justice, the least we can do is witness, educate, organize, and advocate in solidarity with Palestinians.

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Rev. Hannah Capaldi

I’m endorsing this AIW because the very integrity of our faith is at stake. We cannot decry racism, environmental degradation, militarism, or religious extremism if we refuse to apply the same critical and soulful analysis to the plight of Palestine. Our faith demands a close examination of the asymmetry of this conflict and a confrontation with our own complicity as tax paying Americans. This AIW is an important symbol of solidarity on behalf of our institutions with the ordinary people of Gaza. The strands of my heart, part of our interconnected web, break each and every day with the mounting death and devastation.

Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

“The state of Israel’s disproportionate and indiscriminate use of violence in Palestine shocks me, as it should all UUs. The U.S. government is complicit in this violence as Israel’s largest provider of arms, which makes me as a U.S. taxpayer and citizen also complicit. I want my UU faith to do what the U.S. government seems incapable of doing – stand up and speak out for the human worth and dignity of all, including all Palestinians.”

Rev. Greta Jo Seidohl

We are called by our shared faith to speak out and act up – centering radical Love in solidarity with the Palestinian people and steadfast resistance to genocide. We must do more than dream of justice, we must live it into being – this AIW is a powerful part of that.


Devin A.C. Dadah

As a young Iraqi Arab-American who has grown up in the UU faith, I am distraught watching my people be slaughtered. Our UU faith teaches us to act against the forces of genocide and recognize the inherent worth of all human beings: no matter their ethnicity, nationality, culture, or creed.


Karishma Gottfried, Seminarian, Union Theological Seminary and Aspirant for Ministry

“I’m voting yes on this AIW because our UU values of courageous love, interdependence, and justice have taught me that suffering is never justified and it is our duty to speak up against genocide. I denounce Israeli settler colonialism, backed by the US war machine and politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle, and call not only for an immediate and permanent ceasefire but the liberation of the Palestinian people.”

Starling Carter

As a lifelong UU, I firmly believe that commitment to the liberation of Palestinians from violent occupation and attempted genocide is the moral litmus test of our time. I call on my fellow UUs to act fearlessly in this matter and put our values into action.


Rev. Mansfield Kaseman, Pastor Emeritus, Rockville United Church (UCC)

“Silence in the face of current atrocities is supporting the perpetrators. Speaking truthfully in love and actively seeking justice is our moral obligation.”

Christian-Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel-Palestine

“Our interfaith, interdenominational, faith-based, and secular group wholeheartedly endorses this brave resolution. A strategic alliance among Christians, Jews, Muslims, Palestinians, and others grounds our work for justice, human rights, and freedom for Palestinians and Palestine. The best way to stand against antisemitism and other oppressions is to stand together.”

Ms. Mona Lee

Palestine must have its own government free of Israeli domination. Israel’s bombing of Gaza is one of the most horrendous of war crimes in history and must be condemned.

Greg Snaer

“I stand by my Semitic brothers and sisters to include my Jewish siblings, but I cannot abide by the actions of the Israeli government nor can I condone the 70 years of oppression of the Palestinian people who have essentially been relegated to an open air prison for more than 70 years.”

Eve Mirriam Hady

As a first generation Arab American born Muslim-UU, the decimation of the Palestinians is an atrocity. Why does the U.S. government support Israel—a nation that is committing genocide?

Rev. Annie Gonzalez

“As a person who believes life is sacred, I cannot let my tax dollars pay for these genocidal bombs without pushing back. I hope this AIW will empower our congregations to be more bold in supporting Palestinians and to think more critically about U.S. imperialism.”

Ronnie Boyd

Ronnie Boyd

Our UU values call us to not only be a witness to suffering, but to act as an agent of peace and justice. Settler colonial projects and the apartheid conditions they create must be opposed, and the violence alleviated, so all can thrive.


Rachel K. Rott

“It’s time for us to name, with clarity and love, that until we are all free, none of us are free.”


Susan Nye

“It is gratifying to see an AIW with great moral integrity and courage, consistent with our UU Principles and values.”


Meghan Garvey

“As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to co-create a world in which no one has to fear for the safety of their people. I believe this AIW is a crucial step in that work at this time.”


Rev. Kevin Alan Mann

“Dr King said “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” UUs were there from Seneca Falls to Selma, from Vietnam, to dismantling apartheid South Africa, to fighting for LGBTQ equality. Collective liberation means none of us are free until all of us are free, until Palestine is free.”


Sally Jane Gellert

“As a member of Northern NJ Jewish Voice for Peace, I have seen firsthand the repression of even discussion of Palestine. This AIW is needed to encourage UUs to engage in the issue and support our Palestinian friends and our free speech. Criticizing a government is not the equivalent of bigotry against an entire ethnic group.”

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Leilani Davenberry

“UUs are called to show up in humanitarian crises: catastrophic violence, indiscriminately killing civilians, famine, and displacement. As justice and equity seekers, we must speak up for a permanent ceasefire and release of all hostages while working towards a world where Palestinian and Jewish People are safe and thrive.”


Vicki Antonini

“I came late to the unequivocal cause of Palestinian freedom but I am here. Education in sacred community brings me hope and I want to keep learning and help facilitate others’ learning. I also appreciate that resistance to antisemitism (which must be ongoing) is not in opposition to Palestinian freedom. And, this AIW, and our collective learning that will follow, can serve as a blueprint for opposing and resisting greed-based violence throughout the world including the Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ethiopia.”

Kaitlin Walker

Dr. Kaitlin Walker

“For 8 months I have watched Palestinian journalists on the ground document mass casualties and a complete lack of safety for anyone in Gaza. So many red lines have been crossed. So many hospitals and universities have been destroyed. Our UU values clearly direct us to speak out for justice, liberation, and the rights of all people no matter who the oppressor.”

Tom Clowes

In an anti-Semitic world, my grandparents distanced themselves from their Judaism, which meant I never had a strong sense of my cultural heritage. For that reason, I am steadfastly opposed to anyone being marginalized on the basis of their identities. The scope of oppression against Palestinians however goes far beyond “marginalization;” they are enduring horrific war crimes on a massive scale, and that needs to stop.

Deborah Vollmer

I am a UU, and by heritage Jewish, as my mother was Jewish. I understand that after the horrors of the Holocaust, many Jews look to Israel as a sanctuary. But Palestinian lives have as much value as Jewish lives. Jewish values include welcoming the other, mending what is broken, and saving lives. The current Israeli government is failing to live up to true Jewish values. Cease fire and justice for Palestinians, now!

Dr. Philip Farah

I’m a Palestinian-American who lost relatives in Gaza. It’s insane to think that Israel’s genocide will bring security to anyone. Only more bloodshed for all. Even if your primary concern is for Israelis, your duty is to take away the keys if your friend is driving drunk. UUJME’s solidarity with Palestinians is an act of love for ALL!

UU Mass Action

UU Mass Action organizes UUs to confront oppression: living out our faith by partnering with frontline community organizations to be in solidarity for justice. Working with United American Indians of New England, the North American Indian Center of Boston, Muslim Justice League, If Not Now, and Jewish Voice for Peace, we call for a ceasefire.

Gregory Stevens

For over 76 years, Palestinians have struggled against Israel’s illegal occupation and apartheid regime. The UU EcoSocialist Network is in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and see their work as a sacred act.

Katia Hansen

My UU faith calls me to Side With Love—to not look away or choose silence when it is complicated. UUs must choose to live our values actively. We must raise our voices and leverage our privilege because none of us are free until all of us are free.

Dr. Karen Steele

As UUs faced with multiple threats to human rights, we are called by our principles and values to act with visible love, to declare solidarity with Palestinians, to stop the genocide, to oppose apartheid, and to support those Palestininans and Israelis working for justice, equality, and peace.

Rev. Dr. Allison Tanner

“At a time when solidarity is needed to save lives as well as ensure human dignity, this statement allows UU’s to join with people of faith in making public their commitments to freedom, justice and equality for Palestinian people and all people.”

Martha Durkee-Neuman

Martha Durkee-Neuman

My UU faith calls me to live out our value of love through collective liberation. There can be no liberation for all of us until Palestine is free. We will keep fighting together or everyone’s safety.

Rev. Ali Bell

“As a UU, As a Black Transgender man, as a Minister, I am in solidarity with Palestinians. Genocide is never an acceptable means to an end. I pray for an expeditious cease fire, a return of all held captive, and humanitarian aid for all in need.”


Unitarian Universalist Refugee & Immigrant Services & Education (UURISE)

UURISE joins the lament and outrage of the world community as we witness genocide in Gaza. We join those calling for a permanent ceasefire. We name and call for action to halt the decades-long creation of a permanent refugee class of Palestinians.

Kathy Bartolomeo

We need to gather support for the Palestinians. Israel is commiting a genocide. Over 35,000 deaths, children with no childhood, education, starvation, no medical aid, no water coming to them. We cannot turn away from this atrocity.

Ceci Flickinger

I hope for a world where every life is valued, when we are all liberated, and we can live lives of our own choosing. Then there will be justice.

Dr. Anita Martinez

As my parents taught me, “War is not healthy for children and other living things”.

Rev. Dayna Edwards

I endorse this AIW because my faith calls me to ALWAYS speak up against genocide and apartheid.

Dan Bailey

This is the moral imperative of our time. Our taxes and our government support a genocide that is happening live on social media.

Mark Jagner

“If we don’t speak up now against such tremendous suffering and injustice, enabled by our government, then our UU principles and values are meaningless.”


Rev. Jason Lydon

“Unitarian Universalism calls us to oppose settler colonial ideologies rooted in white supremacy. Israel’s actions in Gaza are part of a generations long effort to displace and kill Palestinians. It is our responsibility to act for justice now.”

Rev. Hannah Roberts Villnave

“Every night as I rock my two year old before putting him to bed, I pray for the thousands of Palestinian parents cradling their children for the last time because of this appalling genocide. It’s my daily prayer that strengthens my resolve to say CEASEFIRE NOW.”

Cindy Creager

“We absolutely must advocate for the dignity and safety of all beings. We must resist dehumanization and “othering” that somehow allows people who know better, not to stop cruelty. We must do more to stop this clear violation of human rights snd decimation of innocent children, parents, families.”

Rev. Kate Lore

“We have a moral duty to stop the genocide and land grab of the Palestinian people. Killing children is ever justifiable. Your support matters.”

Connie Spearing

This AIW a timely extension of previous AIW’s on the search for an equitable resolution to the issue of Palestine.

First Parish of Watertown Social Action Committee

On behalf of First Parish of Watertown, MA, the Social Action Committee strongly endorses this AIW. In the name of Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, Generosity and Love, our faith compels us into solidarity with the Palestinians and the People of Gaza, and we cannot turn away.

Curtis Bell

“No one is free until all are free. As Mohammed Kurd said: “We are all Palestinians must be understood not only metaphorically. “

First Parish in Malden Universalist

 “The struggle of Palestinians is at the center of the world community’s worst failings and greatest chance at universal redemption. There is no going further backward. This is the turning point for our denomination and all our brothers and sisters on the planet. There is great joy in our resistance.” 

Jerilyn Bowen

“In commitment to an ethic of love, we UUs MUST do everything in our power to stop the genocide in Gaza and bring about a just peace for Palestinians. Along with that, we’re called to educate our communities about the long terrible history of colonialist oppression that underlies the present horror show. Since the U.S. corporate media provide very poor, often biased and misleading coverage of what’s going on, our job has to include providing trustworthy alternative sources of news, analysis, and informed commentary. If we’re going to change the prevailing narrative, this is absolutely key.”

Jonathan Davis, Director Of Camp

“Unitarian Universalist long and deep history of justice is what brought me to and kept me in the faith. In our history we are often counted as one of the firsts to stand up and movements for justice. While we have missed our chance to be first it is essential that we not feel last in this case of genocide.”


Rev. Sadie Lansdale

“Our tax dollars are funding a genocide we will later bemoan and decry. Again and again, “how could this have happened on our watch” will echo. Let us not be condemned by history, nor haunted by what we have failed to do.”

Pastor Jamili Omar

Our values call us to love and justice. This AIW challenges us to live into those values.

Lee McNair

“There is no action that can atone for genocide. Children are meant for laughter and joy not for slaughter.”

Dr. Stephen Finner

“I am one of hundreds of ethnic American Jews who are members of this faith , freely chosen. I have been anti Zionist for 70 years and I’m a member of Jewish Voices for Peace.”

Janine and Vivienne Gelsinger

Janine Gelsinger

“UUs are quick to say we side with love . . . drawing a line at genocide is literally the least we can do here. We cannot say we put love at the center of our values while justifying the murder of 30,000 people, half of them children.”

Ms. Natasha Phillips

“Hey, I’m supporting the Action of Immediate Witness (AIW): Solidarity with Palestinians. I think it’s a great idea and I hope the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly will vote in favor of it.”

Brenda Balon

“I do not understand why a nation that should inherently reject the oppression of another people based on their historic role as the oppressed.”

Danielle Van Dusen

“If we are committed to liberation, the seven principles, or any level of anti-racist work, it is imperative that we stand in solidarity with Palestinians. Apartheid is white supremacy. Genocide is genocide.”

Louise Lisi

“I support this AIW because safety and human dignity of all people is vital. A new and creative route must be found to allow Israelis to live in peace without apartheid and for Palestinians to live in peace without violence to Israelis.”

Dr. Caitlin Waddick

“This conflict is by design for war profiteering and empire. Let’s refuse to support all war: this one and the war expansion into Lebanon and Syria and Iran. Everyone deserves safety.”

Kirsten Hunter

“I am a religious educator who serves Unitarian Universalism because I believe it can move us toward collective liberation. I join every person committed to building a world where all life is recognized as sacred. This action of immediate witness compels us to act on our faith to call for peace, justice, and healing. I pray we can take this step and join the growing global outcry for liberation that expands beyond borders and beyond empires. May it be so.”

Brenda Ungerland

Palestine The crisis in Palestine is THE humanitarian cause of our era. For over 70 years the basic human rights of the Palestinians have been violated by the Israeli government in direct defiance of International Law and countless UN Security Council Peace resolutions.

Ryan Doppelmayr

“As a person of faith and a professional religious educator, I must stand on the side of love and justice.”

Dana Buhl

This AIW gives voice to our shared UU values that demand a permanent ceasefire!

Rev Dr Althea Smith

As a mother who lost their son to murder, I am horrified by the systematic genocide of the Palestinian people. It is important to not forget.

Izzy Tappan-deFrees

“It is without conscience that we, as a nation, are collaborating in the genocide of the people of Gaza.”

Dana Fisher Ashrawi

Palestinians should be free. All people should experience safety. The solution: engaging with difficult truths and committing to action. This AIW calls Unitarian Universalists to side with love without exception.

Mark Jagner

The Ann Arbor, MI, chapter of UUs for Justice in the Middle East supports the “Solidarity with Palestinians” AIW

Marianna Tubman

It is important to distinguish criticism of a country and its politics from religious or ethnic groups. Ultimately it does not help Jews or Israelis for Americans to give the okay to destruction of Palestinian people and livelihood in occupied territories..

Mrs. Kristin Clowes

What is happening in Gaza is a deep humanitarian crisis. People call it a war, but it is a slaughter. This is our opportunity to show where our values truly lie. We have this chance—right now—to stand on the right side of history. Will we stand up for the basic rights of our fellow world citizens?

Glenda Breeden

Israel is an apartheid state and is committing genocide against the Palestinians. I believe these acts of oppression and violence go against everything UUs stand for and should be condemned. The UUA should divest from Israel.

Rosemary Kean

Life is the greatest gift of all. We must support Palestinian liberation and stop U.S. support for genocide.

Joan Raab

My Unitarian Universalist faith, rooted in radical love and justice, compels me to stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

Kim Stoddard

As a long time UU member, I stand on the side of love and solidarity for a peaceful co-existence.

Janet Orban

Too many Palestinians have been killed by acts of genocide by Israel. This must stop!

Rev. Dr. Marco Belletini

“I fully support the idea of the people of Palestine living on their own land, all hostages on both sides being freed, and the international community helping the Palestinians to build their destroyed cities.”

Ms. Debra Leschyn

Gaza’s 2.3 million people have long faced suffocating conditions imposed by Israel and upheld by the international community. For 16 years, Palestinians in Gaza have lived under Israel’s brutal blockade, isolated from the rest of Palestine and the world. It is time for a change.

Joseph Del Medico

The current majority government has repeatedly violated the Geneva conventions. At one point a missile was shot into a hospital ward, and at one point three missles were fired at the world kitchen convoy. This behavior is outrageous. The cutting off of food and water to Palestinians is a crime that constitutes genocide

Kiersten E. Moore

We need to be working together to do things differently. Violence, oppression, and retaliation do not make anyone safe–they only destroy people, communities, and ultimately, our planet. To quote Maya Angelou ‘no one of us can be free until everybody is free.’

Stephen Babb

As a UU for over 20 years, social justice advocate, poet, and member of AMCP, the time is now to stand for the human rights and dignity of the People of Palestine. Stop the bombing!

Sam Fenzel-Alexander

Palestinians are part of our human family. Let’s treat them like it.

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann

I join in the condemnation of Israel’s occupation, and its human rights abuses of Palestinians. We must work to end this apartheid.

Gordon Clint

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Ata Abdulbari

“Free Palestine from the river to sea!”

Dr. Irene Eckstrand

“I support an end to the U.S. providing weapons to Israel.”

Honor Bell III

“It is our duty. We cannot sit idly by during a genocide.”

Dr. Rashid Shaikh

“Our faith and our commitment to social justice compel us to endorse this action.”

Ann Brennan

For my beloved Palestinian friends. Palestinian and Arab recognition and justice is the civil rights movement of our era; we are with you.


Abigail Clauhs

Alison Aguilar Lopez Gutierrez

Alison Aguilar Lopez Gutierrez McLeod​

Bryan Plude

Rev. Bryan Plude

Brett Jacqueline

Rev. Jacqueline Brett


Edith A. Love

Rev. Eric Kaminetzky

Rev. Eric Kaminetzky


Rev. Diane Teichert

Nguyen headshot

Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen

Rev. Scott Aaseng

Christine Abanto

Rev. Viola Abbitt

Ata Abdulbari

Sheila Adams

Diana Aguirre

Kierstin Allen

Alison Altman

Takiyah Amin

Gary Anderson

Jackie Anderson

Rev. Meredith Anderson

Kit Andrews

Rev. Aisha Ansano

Beth Anz

Leonisa Ardizzone

Ms. Ellen Asprooth

Rev. Kelly Asprooth-Jackson

Nancy Arvold

Siham Atshan

Brenda Balmer

Mc Kyle Barrington

Stephen Bartram

Marion Dane Bauer

Jeanne Barnard

MaryAnn Barham

Sarah Barlow

Ken Barney

Kathy Bartolomeo

Andrew Batcher

Patricia Bedalov

Curtis Bell

Honor Bell III

Gene Bergman

Cynthia Bergeron

Ms. Ilene Beninson

Roger Bertschausen

Taquiena Boston

Ronnie Boyd

Mary Boyle

Ann Brennan

Rev. Jacqueline Brett

Jimmy Brink

Aime' L Boyd

Susan Brown

Farrell Brody

Rev. Dr. Maria Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa

Lynn Buffington

Dana Buhl

Rebecca Burns

Rev. Sarah Caine

Ms Jennifer Calvert

Chris Campanile

Rev. Hanna Capaldi

Ethan Carleton

Prof. David Carlson

Robert Castleberry

Christian-Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel-Palestine

Starling Carter

Rev. Abigail Clauhs

Dave Casini

Church of The Larger Fellowship (CLF)

Lea Casini

Julia Cochrane

Rev. Matthew Cockrum

Dr. Alessandra Colfi

John Collins

Tanya Collins

Rev. Heather Concannon

Rev. Otto Concannon

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Dan Cooke

James Coomes

Chris Crass

Cindy Creager

Patti Christensen

Joan Cudhea

Carol Fern Culhane

Jamaine Cripe

Devin A.C. Dadah

Leilani Davenberry

Josh Davidoff

Lisa Davila

Jeanne Davis

Director Of Camp, Jonathan Davis

Rod Debs

Wendy Derevensky

Michael DeSantis

Rev. Emily DeTar Birt

Mary Devitt

Rev. Tina DeYoe

Rev. Alice Diebel

Gretchen Dietz

Sarah Ditzler

Alexandra Dixon

Charis Domador

Ann Donahue

Andrea Doremus - Cuetara

Ms Karen Dorn Steele

Mr . Dino Drudi

Phoebe Dubisch

Helen Duffy

Ms. Mary Dugan

Lindsay Dunckel

Yvonne DuVal

Helen Dwyer

Tyler Rocio E.

Rev. Charley Earp

Ryan Ely

Dr. Tarek Elgawhary

Irene Eckstrand

Dr. Laurel Eckstrand

Dr. Nathan Eckstrand

Ms. Shira Ehrlich

Judith Emerson

Romelia Escamilla

Ann-Scott and Bill Ettinger

Dr. Samira Farwaneh

Rachel Feltner

Deborah Ferrenz

Rev. James Field

First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans

Dana Fisher Ashrawi

Rev. Dr. JJ Flag

Esperanza Flores Garza

Dr. Erin Flynn

Leanne Friedman

Clare Fortune-Lad

Allison Frost

Ms. Sandra Fulton

Tara Fussell

Cassandra Gallett

Rose Gallogly

Dr. Anne Garcia

Meghan Garvey

Christiane Geisler

Priestess Sivani Gelfand

Adele Gelperin

Elisabeth Geschiere

Stephanie Giamberardino

Rev. John Gibbons

Mac Goekler

Rev. Annie Gonzalez

Lisa Gonzales-Burris

Ms. Margarita Gonzalez

Ms. Jo Sippie-Gora

Karishma Gottfried

Alison Gottlieb

Rev. Jo Green

Ms. Linda Greene

Stori Grodzki

Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs

Mr. Jason Guard

Kelly Greene

Ethel Gullette

Rev. Lissa Gundlach

Diane Haas

Eve Mirriam Hady

Noreen Halberstadt

The Rev. Dr. David Q. Hall

Elisabeth Halliday-Quan

Rev. Shari Halliday-Quan

Katia Hansen

Dave Harrington

Bill Harris

Ms. Marcia Hart

Dr. Amy Harth

Madeline Hauck

Aisha Hauser, MSW, CRE-M

Ms. Molly Hauck

Holly Haywood

Barry Heath

Rev. Meagan Henry

Emily Hewitt

Susanne Hinson-Rieger

Kathleen Holmay

Robert Hospadaruk

Anne Hoover

Michael Hornsby

Helen Horigan

Edythe Hough

Barb Howe

Ollie Howe

Dr. Missy Howse-Kurtz

Mrs. Mary M. Huhn

Kirsten Hunter

Taylor Huntley

Simon Hyatt

Rev. Catherine Ishida

Amber Jayanti

Catherine Jackson

Lance Jacobson

Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson

Dr. Kimberly Johnson

Maya Johnson

Rev. Dr. Myke Johnson

Sally Jones

Michele Laborde Pascoe

Maurina Ladich

Mr. Stephen Lapham

Ms. Caroline Lee

Dr. Deborah Little

Brian Lockridge

Sue Ann Lorig

Ms. Dorianne Low

Peter Lowber

Camille Loya

Thomas Luce

Darbi Lockridge

Judy Lumbert

Rev. Sophia Lyons

Rev. Mansfield Kaseman

Mary Irene Katsibas

Karen Kortsch

Ingrid Kepler-May

Just. Tom Kunesh

Rev. Sadie Lansdale

Olivia LaRoche

Alyssa Lawson

Barbara Leighton

Brian Lewis

Ms. Mona Lee

Louise Lisi

Darbi Lockridge

James Lowenthal

Leigh Ann Luscan

Pat McAleer

Ray McCarus

Mr. Melvin Mackey

Verlann Major

Mr. Melvin Mackey

Tina Malone

Rev. Kevin Alan Mann

Ms. Patricia Marida

Bob Mason

Erin Martinez

Pat McAleer

Audrey McCann

Janet McFarland

Rev. Patrick McLaughlin

Alison Aguilar Lopez Gutierrez McLeod

Zoey McShane

Lee McNair

Rev. Benjamin Meyers

Martin Melkonian

Jewels Mellen

Jessica Mink

Karen Miller

Rebecca Minnich

Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Lynn Miyamoto

Martha Molpus

Mark Mohundro

Michael Monroe

Aileen Montour

Kevin Murray

Diane Nassif

Mandy Neff

Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long

Susan Nicholson

Susan Nye

Ms. Sophia Ocker

Tema Okun

Rev. Jolie Olivetti

Pastor Jamili Omar

Dr. Maureen O'Meara

Leah Ongiri

Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace

Patricia Page

Ms. Lee Pardee

Millie Phillips

Ms. Natasha Phillips

Rev. Bryan Plude

Rev. Amanda Poppei

Evelie Delfino Såles Posch

Ms. Kathy Partridge

Catherine Queener

Gene Ramsbottom

Rev. Mitra Rahnema

Sarah Redmond

Poppy Rees

Dana Remian

Linda Reine

Katie Resendiz de Perez

Dr. Jon Rice

Christina Rivera

Ms. Muriel Roberts

Penny Robinson

Mary Robson

Brant Rosen

William Ross

John Rott MD MPH

Rachel K. Rott

Rev. Bethany Russell-Lowe

Cindy Hastings Sakaan

Joseph Santos-Lyons

Mrs. Janet Sandretti

Rev. Elizabeth Bukey Saunter

Kelly Schaffer

Lisa Schilansky

Rev. Greta Jo Seidohl

April Schmidt

Bob Schulof

Maxine Schulof

Judith Sedaitis

Daniela Silva

Rev. Dr. Bill Sinkford

Judy Shaffer

Gail Shand

Catherine Sheedy-McGonagle

Anita Shepherd

Rev. Sarah Skochko

Imam Tarif Shraim

Rev. KC Slack

The Rev. McKinley L. Sims

Brett Smith

Scott Smith

Social Justice Ministry of First Unitarian Portland, Oregon

Rev. Alexandre da Silva Souto

Ms Martha Snyder

Social & Environmental Justice Committee of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside​

Sidney Soderholm

Connie Spearing

Julie Steinbach

Craig Stevens

Kathy Stevenson

Anna Marie Stenberg

Sensayer Lóre Stevens

Elisabeth C Strekalovsky

Barb Stuebing

Elizabeth Tappan-deFrees

Rev. Dr. Allison Tanner

Rev. Diane Teichert

Jan Thompson

Rev. Dr. Michael Tino

Rev. Dr. Sabrina Trupia

Will Twombly

Mrs. Jan Carpenter Tucker

Marcia Tugendhat

Ruth Vail

Danielle Van Dusen

Yann van Heurck

Ms. Susan Virnig

Amanda Alice Uluhan

Mya Wade-Harper

Rachel Wade-Harper

Suzanne Wall

Adele Wallace

Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh

Cathy Ware

Barbara Weber

Adam Wedeking

Tonya Wenger

Jennifer White

Jesse Wheeler

Ms. Gina Whitaker

Rev. Eileen Wiviott

Margaret Wilbur

India Wood

Mark Woodlief

Katherine Wolf

Dr. Richard Wyatt

Adrienne Y

Ann Zimmerman

Winnie Zwick

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