
This is a curated selection of resources that offer context and insight into the proposed Action of Immediate Witness. We encourage readers to reflect on these UUA statements, humanitarian insights, legal perspectives, and discussions on anti-Semitism versus anti-Zionism. Explore how these resources illuminate the complex dynamics surrounding Israel’s actions, US aid, and the pursuit of peace and liberation for Palestinians.

Unitarian Universalist Resources

UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire, Feb. 14, 2024
A call to action for Unitarian Universalists to condemn and take action against the Israeli military’s violence against Gaza that has killed 28,000 Palestinian civilians and injured 70,000 individuals. 

UUA Academics Condemn Violent Repression of Student Movements, May 2, 2024
Nearly 50 Unitarian Universalist academics and leaders stand against violent repression of pro-Palestinian, anti-war student movements on college campuses across the US. 

Side with Love: Why We Cannot Turn AwayToolkit, November 6, 2024
Statements, resources, webinar recording, and presentation slides for UU Leaders on engaging on Israel and Palestine.

Antisemitism Curriculum from a Framework of Collective Liberation, June 13, 2024
Developed by UUs for Justice int eh Middle East

1982 UU Business Resolution on Anti Semitism
The UUA Board of Trustees officially stated its opposition to anti-Semitism while clarifying that criticisms of the State of Israel should not automatically be considered antisemitic.

Historic UUA Statements, Public Writing, and Community Conversations on Palestine/Israel
A compilation of adopted and proposed UUA statements, thought pieces, and statements calling for an end to repression in Palestine. Since the 1980s, the Unitarian Universalist Association has stood firm on its stand to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Other Statements

Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians, Feb. 1, 2022
Amnesty International’s explainer of Israel’s apartheid against Palestine magnified by oppression and domination.

International Court of Justice, Jan. 26, 2024
The International Court of Justice instituted proceedings on South Africa’s genocide case against Israel, citing South Africa’s “obligation to prevent genocide.” ICJ is expected to deliver its order on May 23, 2024.

Anti Semitism vs. Anti Zionism

House Passes Bill that Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism,” Truthout, May 2, 2024
Reactions to the passage of anti-Semitism Awareness Act, a US legislation seeking to “strengthen response to anti-Semitism” in the education landscape.

1200 Jewish Professors Call on Senate to Reject Controversial Antisemitism Definition, Religion News Service, May 14, 2024
Statement of over 1,000 Jewish professors calling on Congress to reject moves to codify mis-definition of anti-Semitism in federal law.

Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR)

Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR) 101, from the website Anti-Palestinian Racism.
Resources from a site by a Palestinian Canadian educator about APR is and how to combat it.


Is Israel Guilty of Apartheid Against Palestinians?, Al Jazeera, May 14, 2021
In-depth explainer of the history and timeline behind apartheid accusations on Israel featuring insights from academics, political analysts, and advocates. 

Deconstructing Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians
A free 90-minute course on the crime of apartheid in international law, apartheid in the context of Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories, and how it affects Palestinians lives.

US Funding of Israel

US Aid to Israel in Four Charts, Council on Foreign Relations, April 11, 2024
Council on Foreign Relations’s report on the financial flow of US military aid to Israel since 1946 amid Leahy Law, a statutory provision prohibiting the US government from using funds to foreign governments or groups that commit gross human rights violations

Political Zionism

The Continuation of Zionist Settler Colonialism, February 5, 2024
Article for the global Palestinian policy network Al-Shabaka explaining the assault on Gaza as the continuation of the original Zionist settler colonial project.

Zionism Must Be Exposed and Discredited, April 20, 2024
Article by Philip Weiss on the Mondoweiss website tracing the long history of Zionist extremists committing murder to advance their maximalist goals. 

Are Jews Indigenous? A Quechua Jew Weighs In, May 6, 2024, by Daniel Delgado, on Rabbi Danya Ruttenburg’s blog, Life Is A Sacred Text

Timeline of Palestine/Israel History

The Question of Palestine – Timeline of Events, updated to October 2023, United Nations

U.S. Imperialism and Israel

“Israel is a Top Student of U.S. Imperialism, January 24, 2024
Article from In These Times.

Taking Action

American Friends Service Committee Action Hour Document, updated weekly.
Registration link to future action hours is here.

Faith Supporting Gaza Solidarity Encampments, April 2024
Google doc listing actions you can take to support student protests.

Apartheid-Free Communities, launched June 2023.
Website of the North America coalition, convened by the American Friends Service Committee, of faith and other communities to dismantle Israeli apartheid, military occupation, and settler colonialism.

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